A big twist! Kim Min-jae's release rumors have come to an end, and coach Kompany wants to do so following the general manager... Tuchel leaves Kim Min-jae unattended

A big twist! Kim Min-jae's release rumors have come to an end, and coach Kompany wants to do so following the general manager... Tuchel leaves Kim Min-jae unattended

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It is a big twist. Rumors of Kim Min-jae's release have put an end to the rumor. Following the general manager's release, there were reports that the coach also wanted Kim to stay. There was also news that former coach Thomas Tuchel only criticized Kim when he was in trouble and left him unattended.

It seems that it is concluded whether Kim Min-jae, who was confused, will accompany Munich in the next season. On the 27th (Korea Standard Time), there were reports that Max Everest, the sports director (chief) and the team's leaders wanted to accompany Kim Min-jae, and on the 28th, there were claims that Bangsang Kompany wanted to accompany Kim Min-jae.

Germany's leading media Bild reported on the 28th (Korea Standard Time) that "Bayern Munich is planning to be with Kim Min-jae next year. The new coach, Bangsang Kompany, wants to be with Kim Min-jae next year."

In the meantime, the media said, "In the process of internal analysis of the Munich club last season, we came to the conclusion that more communication, dialogue, and sufficient support were needed for Kim Min-jae to display his full performance when he played the game. These were not enough under former coach Thomas Tuchel," pointing out that Kim Min-jae's sluggishness since he was hired at the Asian Cup last season stemmed from Tuchel's lack of support.

In the first half of last season, Tuchel and Kim had strong relationship. Kim, who led Napoli to win Serie A last summer and became one of the best defenders in the world, moved to Munich amid strong love calls from Tuchel ahead of this season. In fact, Kim seemed to solidify his position in the team by playing as a regular starter under Tuchel, but he was pushed out of the race to become a regular starter after the 2023 Asian Cup in Qatar.

As Munich began to struggle with poor performance in the second half of the year, fans criticized Tuchel. Meanwhile, Kim Min-jae, who returned from the Asian Cup, immediately played a key role but failed to prevent his team's defeat. In particular, rumors of his replacement gained momentum as he suffered a crushing defeat to Leverkusen 0-3 in the league. At that time, Munich was defeated by Leverkusen 0-1 in the first leg of the UEFA Champions League round of 16 in Lazio, and lost 2-3 in the 22nd round match against Bochum, who was weak in the league. As he was eliminated early in the Pokal Cup, public sentiment for his replacement exploded.

As the loss at the match against Bochum effectively widened the possibility of winning the title for the 12th consecutive year, Tuchel announced that he had decided to step down as Munich manager at the end of this season after mutual consultation with the club. It was a de facto time-limited replacement.

At that time, Tuchel blamed the squad for the poor performance and expressed disappointment with the pressuring public opinion and fans, leading to a very large confrontation. Bodzin tried to protect Tuchel, but as a result, he gave in to public opinion as he took out his early contract termination card. With articles saying that there was a conflict with the players, Tuchel and Munich seemed to cross the river that could not be reversed.

And the problem Tuchel pointed out was the central defensive duo. After the Bochum match, when Kim Min-jae and Dayo Upamecano were removed from the starting lineup and Eric Dier and Mathias the Licht began to play as a new central defender combination, the trend of the defeat began to subside.

Munich abandoned its aggressive defensive combination and began operating a new defensive tactic in the form of sitting down at the back, and Munich later rebounded from its sluggish trend. Kim Min-jae later began to be removed from the squad as Tuchel became fully convinced of the new defensive combination.

In fact, instead of trying to improve the problem, Tuchel overcame the problem by using Kim Min-jae and some players as sacrifices. Eventually, Kim Min-jae started playing on the bench for most of the league games in the second half. On the contrary, Munich regained stability in the league and recovered its good form in the first half. Unfortunately, when this situation coincided, Kim Min-jae's position diminished more and more.

In addition, when Kim Min-jae was involved in two runs in the first round of the UEFA Champions League semifinals, Tuchel even took an open shot in a sharp tone and crossed the river that was virtually irreversible.

In an interview after the match, Tuchel said, "I was greedy twice. I advanced too early against Vinicius and was passed by a cross. Kim Min-jae played too speculative and was aggressive," criticizing Kim Min-jae.
"The second run was also unfortunately a mistake again. We were able to defend 5-2. We didn't have to defend aggressively against Hodrick. We had five defenders at the time. We didn't have to defend aggressively. We didn't have to defend ourselves aggressively," Tuchel said. "As soon as Diar tried to help from the back, Kim knocked down Hodrick. It was greed. If you make such a mistake on a stage like this, you have to pay the price," he said, reiterating that Kim was overly greedy.

In addition to the game, Tuchel consistently criticized Kim for his mistakes or poor performance in interviews with the media, solidifying his image as a failing grade in the media as well. This is why Kim himself had to shrink and shrink.

Such an atmosphere is well reflected in past interviews with Kim Min-jae. In the past, Kim Min-jae told local media outlet T-Online, "I have always acted with faith as a defender, but I was confused because my quality and quality were not always required here." However, Kim emphasized his progress, saying, "Learning through mistakes and weaknesses is more important in a career."

In addition, Kim Min-jae recalled, "There were many times when I hesitated because I couldn't play with confidence in the stadium. I tried a lot to show the coach what he wanted, but I should have tactically performed the coach's demands better, but I didn't always do so well." Through this experience, Kim Min-jae is predicting competition for the starting lineup next season, saying, "I will come back as a better player next season."

On the 27th, there was also a report raising the positive possibility of Kim Min-jae staying in Munich.


German media TZ reported on the 27th (Korea Standard Time) that "The management of Bayern Munich, including the sports director Max Everest, are all planning to be with Kim Min-jae next season," adding, "The leadership of the club, centered on the director Eve, wants to see Kim Min-jae next season, and Kim Min-jae also wants to stay at the club until 2028, when he signed with Munich."

TZ also added, "Kim Min-jae himself wants to make up for his sluggish performance after the Asian Cup transfer while playing in Munich next season and prove his true quality in a better way."

FCB Inside, another German media outlet, said, "Munich plans to accompany Kim in the next season as well. Originally, only Eric Dier was expected to remain in the midst of a reshuffle of the defense team, but under the current circumstances, Kim Min-jae is expected to go with him," adding, "Kim Min-jae is not for sale. Club leaders, including Max Everest, sports director, want to protect Kim Min-jae."

While the restoration of trust in the team's leadership is increasing the possibility of Kim Min-jae staying, rumors of Kompany's release are expected to calm down as there is also news that he wants Kim Min-jae.

If that happens, attention will also be paid to the teamwork of the defensive duo between Korea and Japan.

Earlier, Munich had hired Hiroki Ito, the Japanese national team's first player in the transfer market. With Ito's addition, existing defenders including Kim Min-jae had no choice but to be affected by his position, but with the addition of resources that can handle both the center and the sides, the team now has strong support. 밤알바

Earlier, Munich announced on its official website that it had signed Stuttgart defender Hiroki Ito. The deal will remain open until June 2028. The transfer fee is reportedly around 30 million euros (44.5 billion won).

A defender who is 188 centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms, Ito has drawn attention as he recently played as a key defender for the Japanese national team. As a left-footed centerback, Ito is strong in competition for provisional rights and has fast speed. Based on these advantages, Ito is regarded as a multi-resource that can play both as a left fullback and a center defender.

From the standpoint of the new coach Kompany, newly appointed to Munich, Ito is a tactical resource that can be utilized in various ways. In fact, Ito played in 27 league matches last season, and was a key player for Stuttgart. Amid Ito's performance, Stuttgart achieved the first Champions League appearance in 14 years.

Under Kompany, who prefers strong pressure and aggressive games tactically, Kim Min-jae is also expected to be given a more leading role than under Tuchel last season. In that sense, if Ito takes the position of a full-back or left-center defender, it will be possible to see Korean and Japanese defenders work together on the four-back line with Kim Min-jae.

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